Top Of The Week

What is Drayage and How Does it Work?

Transport is a term used in the maritime transport and logistics industry to refer to the process of moving goods over...

How much do top freight brokers make?

The best freight forwarder companies in the United States New Wave International Cargo. As with most sales careers, you...

How to Calculate Drayage Costs for Trade Shows

Transportation, also known as material handling at trade shows, is the transfer of exhibition items from the vehicle to...

How much does a 40 foot shipping container weigh empty?

Typically, an empty 20-foot shipping container weighs between 1.8-2.2 metric tons (approximately 3,970 - 4,850 pounds)...

What Are the Fees for Drayage Services?

Drayage is a type of transportation service that involves the movement of cargo containers from a port or rail ramp to a...

How long does cargo sit at port?

Wait time In the United States, simply unloading the ocean vessel can take 1 to 3 business days, as many ships have more...