What is Trucking Drayage and How Does it Work?

Trucking drayage is a type of freight transport that involves the shipment of goods over short distances, also known as “The First Mile”. It specifically refers to cargo that moves over a short distance, usually from a shipping method to an intermediary. For example, if goods arrive in Jacksonville through the port and are planning to leave the city in the back of dozens of trucks, who will herd them from the port to the warehouse? This is where trucking drayage comes in. By definition, freight transport is the transportation of cargo from a seaport to a destination.

It is also often described as the process of transporting goods over short distances. When you see shipping containers being transported in trucks along the road, these are transport trucks. In simple terms, a hauling truck driver is someone who drives a truck that carries shipping containers. The type of container, the classification of the shipment, the number of different carriers needed and the delivery distance influence the determination of the rate that can be obtained for transporting cargo.

Transportation loads are common in intermodal transport, such as moving large containers from a ship to a railroad for delivery. You can also use transportation to bring products from a port or a railway or truck center to a logistics center. State and local governments issue Transportation Truck Registry (DTR) stickers to drivers and transportation vehicles. Without a transport truck, goods would stay in ports, railway shipments would remain on trains, and the entire freight transport system would be shut down.

For example, you can use transportation services to deliver packages to the transportation center for long-distance shipments. Some deliveries with transport trucks can be made over short distances of just 100 feet to an intermodal terminal or even another truck. Transportation plays a critical role in moving containers from intermodal centers, such as shipping ports, ports, railway terminals, truck terminals, and in and out of warehouses. The only way in which transport loads move from ports or intermodal terminals to the next mode of transport is by transport trucks.

Transportation is the transportation of goods by short-distance trucks from ports to the first inland destinations, the first trip from container ships to railway yards, warehouses or storage lots. The additional fees associated with transport companies are one of the main differences between intermodal transport and freight transport by truck. If you're already starting to suspect that freight carriers are a little different from truckload carriers, you're right. On a normal day, about 30 container ships wait for truckers to unload their cargo and move it between the point of departure and the point of arrival. Once the cargo arrives at the port, transport truckers pick up the containers to take them to their next destination. With cargo trucks, you'll find several different classifications depending on how the merchandise should be transported.

Trucking drayage is an essential part of freight transportation and helps ensure that goods are delivered safely and on time.

Lynette Cariño
Lynette Cariño

Total tv fanatic. Extreme explorer. General travel evangelist. Incurable student. Freelance music nerd. Typical beer lover.